FOSH is the only international organization dedicated to the promotion of the sound-gaited horse emotionally, mentally, and physically.
A. A sanctioning fee of $25 is required for all shows. However, it would be truly appreciated if you choose to give an additional donation to further assist FOSH in our mission to promote and protect gaited horses. Please remember that FOSH is now a 501(c)(3) corporation, and any contributions made are tax-deductible.
B. If FOSH sanctions your show and you would like us to set up a link from our webpage for your show, please provide the link information on the Sanctioning Application form found in Section III of this guide.
1. Application for FOSH Sanctioning
2. Advertising
3. Show Insurance
To sanction your show with FOSH, you will be required to provide insurance proof for your show, listing FOSH as an additional insured on the policy. The additional insured should be listed as Friends of Sound Horses, 6614 Clayton Road #105, St. Louis, MO 63117. Direct questions to:
4. DQP
5. Judges
Dianne Little
6. IJA Rule Book
The IJA Rule Book governs all shows sanctioned by FOSH. We will send a complimentary copy of the rule book to show management for use during the show. You can also download additional copies for free from our website.
Hodges Badge Company
P.O. Box 1290
Portsmouth, RI 02871
(800) 556-2440
1. To Be Returned to the Sanctioning Director Within 30 Days:
2. To Be Returned to the Director of Judges Within 30 days:
3. To Be Returned to the DQP Director Within 30 days:
AP406 Show Management After Event Report – The show management should submit a completed after-action form provided with the show packet to Lisa Harris. Please mail to:
4. AP406A To Be Filed if You Did Not Use a Certified HIO:
Federal Regulations (9CFR, Part 11, Section 11.24) require any management of horse shows, sales, exhibitions, or auctions containing Racking Horses or Tennessee Walking Horses to report to the USDA Officials within five days following the conclusion of the event.
A. FOSH Glossary:
B. Show Packet Contents:
C. FOSH Points of Contact
Pauline Stotsenberg
Dianne Little