FOSH is the only international organization dedicated to the promotion of the sound-gaited horse emotionally, mentally, and physically.
Yes, soring has been made illegal on the federal level since the Horse Protection Act (HPA) was first passed in 1970. Find more information about this topic on the USDA website. USDA is the agency tasked with enforcing this Act.
FOSH puts effort into tracking all of the soring suspension data and issuing press releases to keep the public informed and updated about the issue. For more information on this, you can email
FOSH puts effort into tracking all of the soring suspension data and issuing press releases to keep the public informed and updated about the issue. For more information on this, you can email
FOSH is the leading organization in America that works to end horse soring. Your membership ($30/year) and any additional donation you could afford will be a big help for our cause. Visit our website to join FOSH.
Send the Executive Director and President of the Tennessee Walking Horse Breed Association a personal letter, telling them your opinion of soring. They have to be an active leader in the fight to end soring. TWHBEA should begin their action by having their own by-laws reform so that individuals with Horse Protection Act violations are not serving on their board of directors. Their organization has the most significant annual budget involved in this issue. Send your letter to the TWHBEA website or mail it to TWHBEA, PO Box 286, Lewisburg, TN 37091.
Please visit the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service website to see their presentation about the HPA. The file is about 28MB, so it should be saved to your local computer before opening it. This is a PowerPoint presentation. If you don’t have a copy of PowerPoint, you’ll need to download the PowerPoint viewer from Microsoft. We provided a few of the slides from the USDA presentation below; you can click each picture to enlarge them. You can also visit our Soring page to learn more.